تطور القدرة اللغوية لدى الأطفال

تطور القدرة اللغوية لدى الأطفال


  • أ.م.د. نبراس مجبل صالح الجامعة العراقية /كلية التربية للبنات


The lingual ability has an indispensable part in the human mind system (Al-Shaikh, 1982: 240 ) . Researches and studies affirmed that the lingual ability is the most responsible factor in individual differences in mind activity—after the general agent (Abu Hatab, 1973: 295). Skinner points out the presence of a positive correlation factor between results of intelligence and lingual ability. Tirman asserts that the lingual test is more valuable than any other intelligence test (Hirmiz, 1989: 11).

