Characteristics of the Muslim personality in the Almighty’s saying: Take what is given freely, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant - Graphical study –

Characteristics of the Muslim personality in the Almighty’s saying: Take what is given freely, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant - Graphical study –


  • Inst.Dr. DoniaYassin Abdel قناة ديوان الفضائية
  • Dr. Tamara Natiq Taher Mohamed كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية قسم القران الكريم جامعة الموصل



The research was keen to clarify the correct approach indicated by the Noble Verse in dealing with people of all types and natures, and the ethics that a Muslim should have since he is God’s successor on earth.

The research concluded that God - Glory be to Him - collected the good morals and made them into three main principles from which all other morals branch.

He also concluded that the eloquence of the Qur’anic discourse in the noble verse and the magic of its statement is one of the best means of persuasion for the Muslim person, as it takes him by the hand to guidance and righteousness, and elevates him to the sublime goal for which God - Glory be to Him - created him.

