شهداء يوم اليمامة من المهاجرين

شهداء يوم اليمامة من المهاجرين


  • د. مجيد حميد الهيتي المشهداني الجامعة العراقية /كلية أصول الدين


Began with God's help _taaly_ series writing about the biography of the martyrs of Islam from the noble Companions, Fastfatht the martyrs of the battle of Badr, then Alrgia, then reached my walk to the "martyrs of the battle on the dove", and the Battle of Yamama great importance in the history of the Muslims, as it occurred during the plight of Muslims grand, It was not the Prophet peace be upon him, and a lot of bounce tribes Islam.

After research and statistics in the sources that are meant by mentioning the names of the companions and dates Islam and found that they have said that the number of the martyrs of the battle on the dove of immigrants and supporters "Fifty-eight martyrs, and this is what was said by Khalifa bin tailor in history and assented golden on that in the history of Islam.

But that appeared to me after stability and tracking that this number is not accurate; so because I am through to tracking and reading in the course of the companions and found that the correct number is "Seventy-five martyrs" on the Sabine in the content of the search and the large number of martyrs and fear of prolongation and boredom I had to separate the martyrs of immigrants and supporters, the two papers Fjalthm independent, and I will deal with this in my research of the martyrs of immigrants.

