التحركات العسكرية في غزوة احد

التحركات العسكرية في غزوة احد


  • د. خالد هاشم محمد سرحان العبدلي الفلوجة /معهد اعداد المعلمين


What happened in Auhed battle is a great lesson to the propagandists and so for teaching them that love of life may sneak into believers, hearts without feeling of it . this leads them to prefer the present life and its happiness to the hereafter and its requirements which they need to win the paradise as well as they disobey the clear commands of the religion as the javelin throwers disobeyed the clear commands of the prophet "Allah blessings and peace be upon him  " carelessly all these things happen by the believer when he is inattentive and looks for the present life; therefore the propagandists should research constantly in their hearts to uproot love of the present life from their hearts in order not to be a barrier between them and sharia rules and to  avoid falling in sins justifying that in a way serves their desires with sticking to the present life. The participation of the prophet in fighting the unbelievers like other Muslims is an evidence that the prophet did not want to be prominent or famous but he wanted to be modest and considered himself like anyone of Muslims . His participation in the fighting is also an evidence of his bravery and patience for the sake of his mission (Da'wa) and the martyrdom is the highest grade and there is no way to get this grade except taking into consideration the reasons that lead to this grade.

