"Exploring Identity, Displacement, and Palestinian Experience in 'A Curious Land: Stories from Home' by Susan Muaddi Darraj"


  • Lecturer: Hussein Nasir Shwein Al-Khazali, Department of English Language, College of Arts, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq




Ecocriticism, Palestinian identity, Cultural resilience, Environmental symbolism


Darraj, through her collection of stories, A Curious Land: Stories from Home, probes through the ecocritical lens into Palestinian identity, memory, and resilience. This thus points to a gap in the literature with a focus on the deep connection of Palestinians to their natural environment, a subject that is much less often discussed. Through ecocritical analysis, one can see that the landscape of Darraj's work is intricately woven into cultural and personal identities. This natural environment symbolizes resilience amidst displacement, a storehouse of history and memory. This relationship underlines the emotional and cultural significance of the land, making it an integral part of the Palestinian experience. Further, analysis evidences that storytelling and cultural practices serve as acts of resistance, which preserve identity despite environmental and political turmoil. The ecocritical analysis thus enriches understanding of Palestinian narratives, insisting on the inseparability of people and their environment against displacement and exile.


