النشاط العلمي في إقليم خوارزم من القرن السادس الهجري الى السابع الهجري

النشاط العلمي في إقليم خوارزم من القرن السادس الهجري الى السابع الهجري


  • د. خليل جليل بخيت القيسي جامعة بغداد/كلية التربية


The Khwarizmi territory was economically rich and its people had lived a good financial condition which facilitated for them sending their sons to the Katateeb, schools, and to the lesson seminars held in the mosques. As well as the Khwarizmi sultans were interested in the scientific and literary activities and encouraged scientists, scholars, literary men,and poetstill some of them gained fine status at the Khwarizmi rulers. These scientists excelled in teaching and classification and they performed two roles; the first wasguidingthe society to pursue the path of Islam, the religion of justice and equality, through their roles in the mosques: secondly through preparing a class of learners who undertook the message of Islam to the coming generations; this activated the scientific, educational, and literary movement in the Khwarizmi country, and the religious sciences were the forefront of attention, study, and research.

