Enhancing AI Capabilities: Advancing Multilingual NLP Through Comprehensive Language Processing and Analysis


  • Asst. Lect. Nadia Hamzah Kareem Almajtoom University of Al-Qadisiyah, College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Iraq




Artificial Intelligence, NLP


       The progression of multilingual normal dialect preparing (NLP) is significant for viable communication and data preparing over different dialects. In any case, deterrents just like the need for commented on data, complexities particular to the dialect, and the request for standardized data representation hinder advance. This issue is handled by an intensive methodology. We begin by conducting a piece of study to recognize crevices and openings in multilingual NLP, dialect comprehension, interpretation precision, assumption investigation, and moral contemplations. After conducting this review, we propose unused approaches that utilize headways in AI, machine learning, and phonetic modeling to obtain or make explained datasets that speak to different phonetic situations.

Our plans are actualized and assessed utilizing fitting datasets, with quantitative measurements surveying their viability in progressing dialect handling errands. Besides, a subjective investigation digs into the socio-cultural and ethical suggestions of these strategies. Refining and favoring through iterative forms, with criticism from experts and comparison to benchmarks, ensure the quality and significance of our discoveries. This takes into consideration key perspectives to supply pivotal bits of knowledge for examiners and experts, upgrading multilingual NLP capabilities in an exhaustive and socially delicate way.

