Representations of the sacred in contemporary television series


  • Rawan Adel Saleh University of Baghdad, College of Fine Arts



representations, sacred, television series, contemporary.


The visual image is the interface of the world, the mirror of reality, and the reflection of the imagination. It used these qualities to display everything that is within reach and what is not reachable through its techniques, ideas, and treatment of ideas. We find that the image represented the far and near, the small and the large in its interior, and perhaps the most prominent thing it represented is ( The sacred) and especially in mentioning the religious sacred, which is still the subject of conflict among nations in its presentation. The television and cinema screen represented to us, through its images, the sacred across its periods, according to what society received. At one time, it used graphic effects to cover the face of the sacred, and at other times, it surrounded it with a white halo, and at the other end, it used Rhetorical formulas in symbolism and insinuation of everything that is sacred, and since the sacred enjoys an image and rhetorical diversity in its appearance on the screen, the researcher believes that the sacred has many representations of its appearance in order to suit the general culture of society and that the form of presentation must be compatible with the geographical environment of the producing country and its surroundings, as it constitutes a response. A basic action of the audience towards what the sacred figure is portrayed as.

