The effect of using the Wheatley model on reading comprehension among sixth-grade primary school students


  • Assistant teacher, Tabarak Fadel Hassan Al-Dahham Sumer University



     The aim of the current research is to identify " The effect of using the Whitley model on the reading comprehension of sixth graders of primary school ",the researcher followed the experimental method to achieve the goal of the research,the research sample consisted of (70) students from the sixth grade of primary school in Ibn Manzur Primary School affiliated to the General Directorate of Education in Dhi Qar Governorate / Education Department of Qalaat Sukar District for the academic year (2021-2022),they were divided into two equal groups, the first experimental group with (35) students who studied the material according to the Wheatley model, and the control group with (35) students who studied the material according to the traditional method,to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared the research tool represented by the reading comprehension test, which in its final form consists of (20) paragraphs distributed on three levels (knowledge, understanding, application),after applying the test and analyzing the results statistically using the (t-test) for two independent samples, the results showed a statistically significant difference between the average scores of the two groups (experimental and control) and in favor of the experimental group that studied the material according to the Wheatley model.

