The Effect of Teaching Arabic Grammar Based on Fink model on the Achievement and the Attiude towards learning it among Second Intermediate Female Students in Iraq


  • Hiba khalil Abrhim Ali University Amman /Arab
  • Prof . Adnan Hussein Aljadiri University Amman /Arab



Fink model, Attitude towards learning Arbic grammar, a Achievement , Arabic grammar.).


The study aimd to identify the effect of teaching Arabic grammar according to the Fink model on the a Achievement and attitude towards learning it among second – intermediate Female students in lraq .To achieve the goal of the study ,a quasi- experimental design of the type of  un equivelend two – group design was used . The study individuals consisted of ( 60) a Female second – year middle school students in Al- Faraqid secondary school in Diyala. Governorate , They are distributed in to two sections one of which was chosen randomly ,as experimental group and was taught according to Fink model , and the number of female students was ( 31  )   and the other section was chosed as  a control group,inclnded (29) female students who were taught  by traditional method .

  Two  measurement tools were designed to a achieve the objectives of the study : the first was an  Achievement test , which consisted of ( 30 ) multiple-,choice questions , and the second: measure of the attitude towards learning the grammar of the Arabic language,  and the measure  consisted of ( 28 ) items with options .The response to each item was a ccording to a five- point like scale .

After verifying the two psychometrici instruments  , and performing the necessary statistical tests  the findings appeared the following

Their were a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (a=0.05)in the level of a Achievement of second intermediate Female students in Arabic grammar , in Favor of the experimental group that studied using the Fink model.

Their were a statistically significant difference at the level of significance(a=0.05) in the tendency toward learning Arabic grammar among second- intermediate Female students in Favor of the experimental group that studied using the Fink model.

In light of the results reached it was recommended that it is , necessary to prcpare  manuals and training programs for Arabic language teachers to the importance of using the Fink model and enhansing them to by applied- Aslo curricula should be enriching on the use Fink model.

