Beauty Obsession Among University Students


  • Asst.Lect.Waroud Saad Saleh Al-Iraqia University
  • Asst.Lect.Hadeel Farhan Abd Al-Latif Iraqi University
  • Prof. Mohsen Saleh Hassan, Ph.D. Iraqi University / College of Arts



beauty obsession - university students


       The Present research aimed at identifying:   

1- The level of beauty obsession among university students

  Statistical differences in beauty obsession according to the two variables 2-

  1. Gender (male, female) b. Specialization (scientific, humanitarian).

  The current research is limited to Iraqi University students of both genders and both majors for the academic year (2023-2024).

Theoretical framework: The current research reviewed theories related to the concept of beauty obsession.

For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the current research, the researchers built a beauty obsession scale based on Nailiy’s theory (Nailiy 2014). Psychometric properties were used with the scale, where the apparent validity was extracted, and the discriminatory power of the items and the relationship of the item score to the total score of the scale after applying the scale to the sample for statistical analysis. (200) male and female university students, and extracting reliability using methods (Facronbach and retest)

The current research has reached the following results:

1 - showed that university students have a desire to be obsessed with beauty, compared to the hypothetical average of the scale.

2- there were statistical differences in beauty obsession according to the gender variable (males, females) and no differences according to the specialization variable (scientific, humanitarian).

The researchers presented some recommendations and suggestions.


