Social orientation (cultural and personal) for Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Employees


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Hawraa Mohammad Ali al mubarqaa Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Psychological Research Center



Social, cultural, personal orientations, higher education and scientific research members.


This research aims at knowing:

1- Cultural and personal social orientations of Higher Education employees.

2-Cultural and personal significance of difference of Higher Education employees according to sex variable.

This research is limited to employees of The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and employees of the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, in addition to many colleges and research centers in Baghdad University, for both sex (male, female) with different ages for the year 2024.

To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher adapted Hofstede scale (2001) which consists of 12 social and cultural orientations that represent independent subscales, and concluded that:

1-The research sample was at a high level of all(cultural and personal) social orientations except for the consumer ethnicity which is low.

 2- There is a difference in independence in favor of females, and in (interdependence, gender inequality, risk aversion, masculinity, consumer ethnicity, and consumer innovation) in favor of males accordingly. In light of the above results, a set of recommendations and proposals were introduced.

