سعيد بن جبير وجهوده في القراءات

سعيد بن جبير وجهوده في القراءات


  • د. عصام محمود محمد الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


The science readings aware Jalil him standing between the large forensic science, and was the focus of attention pundits of the nation's scientists, the ancients and on top of these scientists Taabi'i His science profuse and understanding of the great and the sight of enlightened Saeed bin Jubair, this science which has had a significant role in the transfer of forensic science, from novels explanatory, and juristic opinions, and readings by which lies the importance of the research topic, since a lot of people thought that Saeed bin Jubair God's mercy did not have any effort Oodor in the readings, so I wanted to show great interest in readings by standing on the some models of Marwyate and efforts in the readings.


