Geographical analysis of marriages inside and outside the court in Iraq for the year (2017-2022)


  • Elaf Fadel Asad Al-Iraqia University University Presidency / Department of Scientific Affairs
  • Maryam Abdulhadi Akoosh university of Baghdad National Center of population and demographic studies



Marriage, Aerial marriage, Legal marriage


This study discusses the geographical analysis of marriages that take place inside and outside the court known as (Early marriage) for the year (2017-2022), and the study followed the descriptive and analytical approach with the use of the quantitative method in scientific research based on the data of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation.

   The study contains two axes, the first axis includes the concept of marriage and the reasons that led to child marriage, while the second axis included a geographical analysis of marriages inside and outside the court in Iraq for the period (2017_2022) as well as the size of the total increase and the percentage of annual change for the period (2017_2022), and the results of the study showed that there is a spatial variation in the geographical distribution of marriages inside and outside the court, as the absolute and relative importance varied towards rise and fall according to administrative units, as well as the variation in The size of the total increase and the percentage of annual change between governorates.     

    As for marriages outside the court, Nineveh Governorate ranked first for this marriage in 2017, and in 2022, Baghdad and Nineveh Governorate ranked first, while the lowest value of this marriage was Diyala Governorate for the year 2017, and Najaf Governorate for the year 2022.

    At the level of Iraq, the number of cases of marriage contracts within the court for the year 2017 amounted to (262007) marriages, then the number of cases increased again in 2022 to reach (269756) marriage cases, and it is also noted that there is an increase in the size of the total increase in the number of marriage contracts for the period (2017_2022), as it reached an increase of (7749) marriages.

     As for marriage contracts outside the court (Early marriage), it witnessed a decrease, reaching in 2017 (58954) marriages, and cases continued to decline until it reached in 2022 (46540) marriages, and the size of the total increase for the period (2017_2022) for the number of cases of marriage contracts located outside the court reached (_12414) marriages, and this indicates a decrease in the number of marriage contracts located outside the court, due to the increase in awareness among the female category, moving away from child marriage, and thinking about the importance of entering the university.

