Spatial and temporal variation of rainfall amounts in lraq


  • Ahmed Alwan Hamza Saeed General Directorate of Education in Wasit Governorate / Department of Education in Al-Suwaira



Keywords : rainfall, spatial variation, frontal rain


This study dealt with the spatial and temporal variation of the amounts of rain falling in Iraq in terms of their monthly, seasonal and annual total, then identifying their spatial and temporal variation and the climatic characteristics that help to occur, as any development and economic plans in the future requires prior knowledge of those characteristics in terms of the values of rain expected to fall first and fluctuation in those quantities second.

The research drew most of its data through climatic observations recorded by climatic stations distributed over the regions of Iraq, and adopted in dealing with them according to the quantitative approach along with the descriptive approach using mathematical and statistical methods, and has reached in this research to a set of results, the most prominent of which was the increasing need to study the characteristics of the rain falling in Iraq because of the variation in its values between its different regions, which is associated with a set of climatic controls, whether that variation annually Or quarterly.

The annual total amount of rain falling in Iraq was recorded (3079.3) mm, the weather stations have witnessed a spatial and temporal variation in the annual totals of rainfall in Iraq, where the Mosul station recorded the highest annual total among the stations of the study area with a total of (638.2) mm and by (20 the total rainfall in Iraq, while Najaf station recorded the least total rainfall stations in Iraq with a total of (175.3) mm and a percentage of (5.6%) of the total rainfall in Iraq during the study period.

