The student symposium on October 21, 1964, and its effects and results on the internal situation


  • Professor Dr. Hassan Rikan Khalaf Al-Iraqia University /College of Arts
  • Taiba Jawad Abdul Hussein Al-Iraqia University /College of Arts



Keywords : Sudanese student movement, student symposium, Democratic Front, security authorities, Ahmed Al-Qurashi’s funeral, student union, University of Khartoum, political strike, military rule


The military government in Sudan did not welcome the student seminars and they were confronted and suppressed in many ways, until they reached the point of firing live bullets that resulted in the death of the student Ahmed Al-Qurashi. And the matter did not stop there. The army returned and fired live bullets at the students and teachers at the University of Khartoum at The funeral of the student's body led to many wounded and killed. These events were the first spark for the launch of many uprisings in the Sudanese street, and the situation developed into a political strike demanding the return of the military to their units, and the return of democratic rule.

