Mockery in the Holy Quran its provisions and conditions And its types


  • Asst.Lect.Aqil Hamid Fayyad Sunni Endowment Diwan/ Department of Religious Education and Islamic Studies/ Sheikh Dhari Islamic High School



key words: Mocking - the Quran - Al-Karim - rulings


Mocking one of the rituals of Islam, or one of its rulings, or one of its sunnah, robs its owner of the description of faith، And he takes him among the numbers of the Most Gracious; Because mockery is a greater sin and a greater crime than mere disobedience, for every person is liable to be overcome by himself and fall into sin. This is one thing, and mocking God’s religion and its rituals is something else.

The religion of Islam is based on two great principles (love and glorification), so when someone falls into mocking religion, its rituals and laws, these two principles are invalidated from their foundation, for mockery is nothing but a contradiction of the nullifiers of love and glorification. If the mocker of God, His verses, His Messenger, and the religion of Islam was a lover of these great principles, glorifying the Lord of the worlds, he would not have done this dangerous matter, which is one of the shortcomings of Islam, rather the most dangerous of them.” And the deviation in it leads to its companion to the deviant of religion.

Through the research, we found the following:

1- The term mockery refers to custom, and what people know is mockery of God Almighty, His Messenger (Peace be upon him), or his religion.

2- It is not easy to put an end to it that gathers its parties, and defines its term; Because it is a wide door in which harm, stabbing, contempt, contempt, and diminution enter.

3- The Qur’an stipulates that mocking God, His verses, and His Messenger is blasphemy, and that whoever belittles the Messenger of God, whether seriously or jokingly, has committed blasphemy.

4- The Qur’an also states that some mockery is considered blasphemy, because they mocked some Muslims.

5- The Prophet (Peace be upon him) used several ways to confront the mockers, insulting and ridiculing them, including poetry, threats and intimidation.

