The Criterion of Intentionality and its Scope of Influence in the Interpretation of Allama Al-Majlisi (May God have Mercy on Him) (A critical Reading of how Textual Cohesion Was Achieved in the Book “Al-Muntakhab Min Al-Tafsir Al-Ma’owdoiee Fi Bihar Al-An


  • Mushtaq Kazem Juma Al-Shammari University of Isfahan / College of Languages Department of Arabic Language and Literature / Iran
  • Dr. Somayeh Hassanalian University of Isfahan / College of Languages Department of Arabic Language and Literature / Iran
  • Dr. Imad Jabbar Kazem Daoud Wasit University / College of Education for Human Sciences



Keywords: textuality, cohesion, intent, Majlis sign


      The criterion of intentionality is an important criterion in achieving textual cohesion and cohesion, and it depends on the extent of the speaker’s ability and ability to employ mental meanings that express his intentions and export them to the recipient, taking into account in turn the acceptability of the text to its recipients. I wanted from this research to determine the extent of the influence of the scholar al-Majlisi in his objective interpretation, and to explain The concept of intentionality in his interpretive text and his approach to textual studies through the analysis of the noble verses, the mechanism of their interpretation, and the clarification of their purposes for the purpose of highlighting the features of textual coherence in his speech, which is full of purposes consistent with the topics he dealt with, the purposes of which were sometimes indicated by the form of symbolism and gesture, and at other times by the form of revelation, clarification, and appearance, taking this as a means. The intention behind it is to attract the recipient to the evidence that will guide him to places of reassurance.

