The Dialectic of the Revolution and its Most Important Causes According to the Poet Saddam Fahd Al-Asadi


  • researcherKhaldoun Kazem Hashem Mustafa Al-Musawi University of Religions and Sects Iran
  • Supervisor / Professor Ali Reza Muhammad Rezaei ( Ph.D.) University of Tehran/Iran
  • Assistant Supervisor/Assistant Professor Hassan Rahmani Rad ( Ph.D. ) University of Religions and Sects Iran



Keywords: Revolution, rebellion, imprisonment, injustice, pain


The dialectic of revolution according to the Iraqi poet Saddam Fahd Taher Sharif Al-Asadi plays a large, distinctive and influential role on the poet’s psychology. Anxious and unstable because of many of the circumstances that the poet experienced and because of the injustice, oppression, pain, imprisonment, fighting, and persecution that befell him because of his honorable national stances, the research from its beginning to its end describes the poet’s description of the revolution and its dimensions

A very important research in studying the poet’s poetry and the most important revolutionary and patriotic poems about loving the homeland and defending it with the sincere word. The research included a study and analysis of the topic of revolution and its most important causes among poets and what we have reached because of the positions that reject injustice, tyranny and tyranny in governments. It is an important dialectic in studying the poetry of the poet Al-Asadi

