حذف المتعلقات وتطبيقاته في سورة النجم دراسة دلالية نحوية

حذف المتعلقات وتطبيقاته في سورة النجم دراسة دلالية نحوية


  • د. أحمد صفاء عبد العزيز جامعة الأنبار/كلية التربية
  • د. محمود فوزي عبدا لله الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


It is an accurate course and a nice outlet wondrous, it ' s like witchcraft, you see it leaves the Abovementioned and most eloquent of silence for the benefits of more useful and what are you feeling utter. If you do not pronounce and did what if you do not have a statement.      This is what  Abd  AL-Kaher  AL-Jurjani  (474  AH) said for deletion.  From these  woebegone the researchers their research  under the title (Deletion  belongings  and   its Application  in Surat AINajm; Semantic grammatical study).  They believe that the Deletion has a  rhetorical  value especially if the study in holy Qur ' an.  Therefore the idea Of research was built between endoscopy for position in the deletion of language, and The application in one surat of holy  Qur ' an   The holy Qur ' an full of placements deletion .the  researcher study  "Surat AI Najm" And try to highlight the placement deletion. They depended on the main source  That deal with grammar as well as rhetorical and semantic.

