The Meaning of Gratitude in Qalaeeed Al-Gheid (Case study of Al-Band) Poetry by Ali bin Balel Al- dadgy Al-Ahwazy


  • Assist. prof (PhD) Afrah Qadoury Salih Mahdy College of Arts: Arabic Department Mustansuriyah University



Keywords: Mystical interpretation, Muhammadan lights, manifestation, manifestations of letters, techniques of imagination.


Arabs consider gratitude and Sufism As two faces of the same coin. Since they express the meaning of miracle in the view of the poet Ali Balel-Al-Dorky in his poetic collection entitled (Qala'ed Al-Gheid The beautiful poems) in which he focused on one of the most important poetic genres. whic is written in prose, however this genre-although considered as prose-is written using the poetic style in Al-Ahwaz and it is called (Al-Band). This genre was known in Al-Ahwaz and reached Arab Gulf and Iraq. The Poet expressed the meaning of gratitude which is entwined with the divine meaning.

