Andalusian literature in the works of the professor Miqdad Rahim Khadr


  • Asst.Prof.Zeina Saad Kateh ( Ph.D.) Al-Iraqia University /College of Arts



Keywords: criticism, elegy, stanzas


This effort is a simple addition to the sum of the efforts of Professor Miqdad Rahim Khader, which was poured into the framework of revealing the volume, importance and history of literary criticism in Andalusia. Serious and subtle, then pay attention to what is left of it trapped in the treasuries of manuscripts scattered in different parts of this world. And he faces the feeling of real death, and therefore he excludes the feeling of collective death, and I mean self-pity through the group, which is very much contained in the poems of preaching, asceticism and guidance, and the author excludes texts that talk about death in general without expressing the death of the poet himself, the purpose of the book is Standing on the individual experience in the face of death in the face of reality, not metaphor, hypothesis, or imagination through poetry. Intention towards the most important and dangerous topics in the life of the individual and society, that is the topic of life and death, as it was worthy of showing the conflicting feelings of individuals as they inherit themselves in terms of despair, hope, rejection, acceptance, sadness and joy, as well as the strength of poetry among Andalusian poets and their systems for it even in the most severe life Difficulty and embarrassment, which are the dying hours. As for the book Al-Muwashahat fi Bilad Al-Sham and their relationship to the Muwashahat of Andalusia, and what is common among researchers is that the researcher, i.e., a researcher starts from where his predecessors ended up, except that the author did not do that, he started from where they started and returned Looking at the most important things they looked at related to the art of Tawsheh in Andalusia and the East, which is a matter of extreme hardship, something short of description, and its purpose was to correct the foundations on which the theory of the art of Tawsheh should be based

