Artistic formation in Diwan of Mustafa Al-Ghalayini "Similar formation, metaphorical formation, metonymic formation"


  • Asst.Prof.Aqeel Raheem Kareem, Ph.D. Al-Iraqia University /College of Arts
  • Firas Sabah Hussein Al-Iraqia University /College of Arts



Keywords: Artistic formation, Mustafa Al-Ghalayini’s collection of poems


Critical studies are concerned with the phenomenon of (artistic formation); Because it represents a basic structure for poetic discourse; Because it is in direct contact with the recipient, critics went to analyze these formations, and their visions differed on the methodological and visionary levels in this regard, so the subject of my study came: To monitor the share of: (Artistic composition in the collection of Mustafa Al-Ghalayini). Monitoring the evolutionary stages of the poet’s poetic language through its developmental stages. Because his youth represented the true beginning of the poetic experience and the subsequent artistic developmental stages that were reflected in the characteristics of his poetic language.

