Attributes of Modernity in the Poetry of Shadhil Taqa


  • Asst.Lect.Saad Saber Nemaal Anbar University College of Education for Pure Sciences



Keywords : Poetry, Modernity, Shadhil Taqa


Poetic process has produced a number of literary terms, Which in turn formed the reqirements of the times and the need for tranformative affected European curriculum which covered the literary scene in the last term and modernity has been one of these terms and this terms effected of many problims derived from the breadth till it became difficult to count linguistic connotation that produce it necessitation intensive study highlighted some opinions  that deal with the term and different perspectives that talked about it and tried to display the smooth

talking upon me bring these destination and trying to decipher the confusion between them even those equal the overall concept of the term investigation of scientific interest that looking forward this search

