The Holy Quran; orally and in writing A study according to the “Theory of the Art of Rhetorical Expression”


  • Dr. Mohammad Khaqani Isfahani Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at University of Isfahan - Iran



Keywords: The Holy Qur’an, speech, book, theory of the art of rhetorical Expression.


New linguistic studies emphasize the necessity of distinguishing between oral language and written language. They are two different aspects of human languages. The oral language has long preceded the written language in human societies. The roots of the oral language extend back about a million years in human history, but the written language is only six thousand years old. Oral precedes written in the process of natural education for children as well. Therefore, the new linguistic schools are biased toward preferring speech (oral language) over the book (written language), in contrast to traditional linguistics, which used to pay all its attention to the book. There is no doubt that they differ in tasks and goals, and in the Qur’an there are verses that indicate the difference in the functions of speech and the book. The “Theory of the Art of Rhetorical Expression” formulated by this researcher - which is the first official scientific theory recorded in Arabic language departments in Iranian universities - led to the conclusion that the Holy Qur’an is unique among all the heavenly books in that it has three levels. In the first level, it is a speech, not a book. On the second level, there is a book, not words, and on the third level, there is speech and a book at the same time. This research studies the Holy Qur’an through the descriptive and analytical approach at these three levels, and it has reached results, the most important of which are: that the oral Qur’an: speech, beauty, melody, reverence, movement, vitality, love, and intoxication... it dialogues with hearts with everything related to feelings and emotions. . The written Qur’an: a book, perfection, reasoning, contemplation, and stability... it addresses the minds with everything related to understanding and reasoning, and when the reader combines its oral and written levels, the mind is united with the heart and reasoning with emotion.

