Al-Qiyas according to Al-Aini (d. 855 AH) in his book (Fara’id Al-Qala’id fi Mukhtasar Sharh Al-Shawahid)


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Jassim Mohammed Salman Iraqi University / College of Arts
  • Hakki Ismai Ibrahim Alwan Al-Iraqia University /College of Arts



Keywords: measurement, in-kind, faraed, witness


To sum up, analogy is one of the pillars of the foundations of grammar, as the general grammatical rules were named after it by the scholars’ inference with it, as they considered it one of the most important basic principles followed, and on it the language is based on all its sciences, and it is the fundamental form of the vocabulary used in the grammar through which wide-ranging results can be reached. And knowledge of the phenomena of the language to which it is measured. This is what scholars have been doing in terms of inference and deduction. They made analogy in their grammatical issues and proved that it is an important principle in constructing grammar.

