Women's political participation in Anbar province and ways to empower them


  • Dr. Hassan Kashash Abdul Janabi Anbar University/College of Education
  • Dr. Estabraq Mohammed Abdullah al-Qaisi Al-Iraqia University / College of Arta




Keywords:- Women Politically, Anbar Governorate, Political Empowerment


An analysis of the political situation of women in Anbar is an important topic that has not been discussed before, especially as it highlights an important aspect of life: women's political work. Determining the size of the political participation of women in the province and their role in society is the cornerstone in making plans for the political future in the region, especially as the forms of participation vary depending on the social, economic, political and social order of the country where they live in a certain period. The research aims to achieve effective political participation and a distinctive impact in the positions of political decision-making to integrate women's issues in the general policy of Iraq in general and Anbar province in particular, especially as the research showed the size of increasing women's participation and support programs of political empowerment 

