Al Ramadi center type of specialist the air using artificial intelligence


  • Dr.Abdul Salam Arif Abdul Razzaq Al Dulaimi
  • Asst.Lect.Kamal Abdul Ali Allah Al-Qaisi
  • Asst.Lect.Falah Hassan Salim Al-Fahdawi
  • Dr.Qusay Abdel Hussein Al-Nimrawi



Keywords: Air quality / Artificial intelligence / Gas concentrations


     The study of the profitability of gas to air is considered one of the most important environmental studies, which is clear in determining the quality of the air and the extent of its suitability for human breathing and not causing the gas to be irritated sideways by knowing the concentrations through hospital monitoring that was followed through the study area by identifying five monitoring points as in Table No. (1). ), where a distinction was made between the concentration values ​​of gases according to the sources of pollution present in the important study area, the electricity supply, generators, and sewage, and the industrial workshops and block factories near Anbar University were completely stopped. The study found that the concentration of carbon monoxide was (4) parts per million in the area of ​​the Grand Mosque of the State, and the same point recorded the highest concentration of carbon dioxide at (470) parts per million.

