Climatic characteristics and their impact on the incidence of sinusitis in the Upper Euphrates region


  • Researcher: Rajaa Hamed Mohsen University of Anbar - College of Education for Human Sciences - Department of Geography
  • Prof. Dr. Nadhir Sabbar hamad AL-Muhammadi University of Anbar - College of Education for Human Sciences - Department of Geography



Keywords: Climatic characteristics, Disease sinusitis, Qualitative composition, Age composition.


The study was entitled “Climatic characteristics and their impact on the Disease sinusitis in the Upper Euphrates region.” It relied on climate data for a climate cycle for the duration (1989-2023) and data for the Disease sinusitis for the duration (2017-2023).

The study aimed to demonstrate the impact of climate on the gender and age for the population of the Upper Euphrates Region. The study concluded that the incidence of sinusitis affects both sexes at similar percentages. There is a disparity between the districts of the Upper Euphrates Region according to the causative factor, and there is also a disparity between age groups, as The incidence of sinusitis increases among the group (15-19) as a result of this group’s exposure to climatic conditions that cause this disease, such as low temperatures and dust irritating the sinus membranes, especially when they go to school. The total number of infections reached (6793) cases, with a percentage of (25%). The lowest infections with this disease were recorded in the category (less than a year old), and this is due to the small sinuses of this category and their lack of exposure to the climatic conditions that cause this disease, as the total number of infections reached (108) injury and a percentage (2%).

