Spatial distribution of public basic and secondary education schools In the municipality of Janzour, Libya, using spatial techniques


  • Asst. Lect . Amna Mohamed ElesoQ Tripolis University, Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Prof. Naji abdallah Alzanati Tripolis University, Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems



Keywords: urban planning, planning standards, spatial techniques.


Educational services are among the basic services that must be provided and distributed fairly to meet the needs of the population. Their distribution is based on planning foundations and standards that are taken into account to reach a systematic scientific distribution of that service. It is included among the priorities of the urban planning process for cities and villages and is considered one of the foundations from which planning for other services is started. .

The random distribution of schools is a feature in many cities. Many of them provide school buildings in low-population areas, and the absence of school buildings in high-density areas, especially newly built areas. Since Janzour is one of the Libyan cities with high population density, the matter requires studying the reality of the distribution of public school buildings. With it.

The study aims to identify the spatial distribution of public schools in the municipality of Janzour, match that with planning standards, and create a spatial fit for the best locations for schools in the future using geographic information systems.

