Spatial analysis of water harvesting areas in Akash valley basin and the possibility of investing it for development purposes


  • Prof. Dr. Ayad Muhammad Mikhlif Adwan Al-Dulaimi University of Anbar - College of Education for Humanities, Iraq



Keywords: economic activity - spouses - Anbar


  The research aims to reveal the variation in the type of economic activity practiced by each of the spouses in Anbar Governorate according to the urban and rural environment, using the results of the field study, and the study sample was represented by (2216) single (family) distributed by (1339) for urban and rural (877), and the study adopted the descriptive approach with the regional approach; to understand the phenomenon and explain its variation, within the boundaries of the administrative province of Anbar, and the research reached the percentage of husbands who practice economic activity of all kinds higher than wives, reaching (56.9%). As for the wives, their percentage is (13.6%) only for the total urban and rural areas and the first main activity practiced by service husbands by (37.3%, 31.2%, 34.9%) in urban and rural areas and their total respectively, and the first main activity practiced by wives in urban service by (11.8%), agricultural countryside by (8.4%) and their service total by (9%). It is proposed to empower women, especially rural women, in the field of education, and to work on family planning programs to reduce their sizes in order for the wife to have enough time to give her a greater opportunity to enter the labor market, engage in economic activities, and provide training centers for women and train them on the referred.

