Qualitative and quantitative assessment of water erosion in the Kaherdi Wadi Basin (northern Iraq) adopting the CAR-PAP methodology and the random forest algorithm using (GIS.RS.Geo AI)


  • D.r Salah Othman Adnan Al-Ani General Directorate of Anbar Education
  • Dr.Ali Suleiman Arzik Al-Karbouli General Directorate of Anbar Education
  • Dr. Sameeh Abdulghafour Jassim Al-Hiti General Directorate of Anbar Education




Keywords: evaluation - stripping - quantitative - algorithm


Measuring water erosion as one of the atheyGeomorphic processesIt is extremely important because its impact is reflected in various human activities, and it is affected Water erosion afterI hope is naturalthis Of which(Climate, soil and its susceptibility to erosion, land cover and its density, as well as the severity of the slope) To reach accurate results, researchers seek to use a model (PAP-CAR) is known for accurately simulating remote sensing data and measuring the extent of water erosion from a distancethatSimulating the results that will be reached using the random tree algorithm (Random forestAs one of the artificial intelligence algorithms that can predict the results of wa ter erosion to make accurate scientific decisions to reduce negative environmental impacts.

The study area, as part of Iraq, is subject to a climate the sea Average, where recorded stations(Erbil, Shaqlawa, Koysanjak)an average degree heat annual For the duration from (2000-2020)reach(20.69;18.47,22.43M ), And quantities falling High rainfall for the same period and stations, it reached(401,674,803mm), on In a row, it excelled the network Watercolor For the basin According to its branching and density For nature The exposed ones Rocky And severity Resist it To strip from Side And nature Precipitation Al-Matari And its quantities from Side Other .The results showed that Evaluation Qualitative To strip Watercolor according to model (PAP/CAR) may be contrast inside The basin between( low, Severe Very) and that the reason for this discrepancy is due to the variation in the hardness of the rocks, the presence of natural vegetation, and the difference in its density from one region to another.  As for the results reached by the random tree algorithm (Random forestIt also confirmed the significant impact of water erosion in shaping the external appearance of Wadi Kaherdi Basin and attributed the reason for this to the variation in climate elements from one year to another, on the one hand, and the nature of the rocks, their different types, and the presence or absence of natural vegetation, on the one hand, and the presence or absence of natural vegetation, on the one hand, on the other.

Keywords: evaluation - stripping - quantitative - algorithm

