Climate changes and their impact on water resources and vegetation in the Shuwaija marshes in Wasit Governorate


  • HAYDER ATEIMAH SARHAN College of Islamic scienes directorate-general for education Thiqar directorate general for education dhiqar



Key words: climate changes , Hor al-Shuwija ,environmental properties , Wasit Governorate.


The study aims to know the impact of climatic changes on the characteristics of Marsh Al Shuwaija through its feeding valleys and the amount of annual water drainage in them, which is reflected in the decreasing water areas and the feeding basin of Marsh Al Shuwaija and its impact on the environmental life of the marsh areas.  Landforms are factors that have permanent control over their formation. The study showed clear seasonal changes, as the area of   water cover of Marsh Al Shuwaija and its adjacent water bodies in 1972 for the dry season amounted to 532.01 km2, while during the wet season it amounted to 950.81 km 2, while in 2018 it amounted to (346.03 km 2).  ) for the dry season, but during the wet season, the water area reached (90 km2) of the total area of   the land covers, especially that the study area is characterized by small amounts of rain and thus the water areas and the feeding basin for Marsh Shuwaija decreased and this affected the environmental life of the marsh areas

