Spatial analysis of family’s sizes in Hawija District for 2023


  • Asst. Lecturer Harith Serwan Abdullah Aljibory Kirkuk University/College of Arts/Department of Applied Geography



Keyword: family’s sizes, Hawija District, Spatial analysis


Studying family sizes is one of the prominent demographic characteristics of societies. and studying the changes that occur in them and their causes is important in determining the demographic features of societies in the present and future. because it is a reflection of the demographic data and the economic. political and social conditions that the society is going through. and it paints a picture of the population society. the type of main activity and the extent of it. The contribution of women to it. so the aim of the research was to study the changes occurring in the family sizes of the residents of the Hawija District for the year (2023) and the factors affecting them. and to know the trends of this clear change. as well as to predict the variation in the trend of future family sizes until the year 2023.

