Spatial variation of fruit and citrus trees in the northern countryside of Baghdad Governorate in the year 2023:


  • Wiaam mouyad abd al-rzaq Baghdad University/Ibn Rushd College of



Keywords:Spatial variation/ Fruit trees/ Logarithmic transformation


Fruit and citrus trees are sources of food for humans and an important pillar of national income, whether in Iraq or elsewhere. Accordingly, their study has received the attention of researchers in the field of geography or in other fields.  The research deals with the study and analysis of the spatial variation of fruit trees in the districts of Baghdad Governorate in the north for a period (2023) In the areas belonging to the north of Baghdad Governorate, which are the center of the Tarmiyah district and the center of the Kadhimiya, Al-Mushahdah, Al-Taji and Al-Abayji districts.  When analyzing the spatial variation of fruit crops and their varieties, it was found that their geographical distribution in terms of area is identical to the distribution in almost all areas of the study area with cultivated area (44866) They are diverse and vary in number from one region to another. While some areas are crowded with the number of trees, others suffer from a shortage, and this number is characterized by a decline from time to time. Production has reached.

