Extracting the hydrological characteristics of the city of Dohuk using the (SCS – CN) model.


  • Hussein Ali Rasheed ALmzuory University of Mosul/ College of Education for Human Sciences
  • Dr.Suhaib Hassan Khadr University of Mosul/ College of Education for Human Sciences




Keywords: Dohuk, hydrological response, surface runoff


The study examined and analyzed the possibility of modeling the hydrological response in urban areas, taking the city of Dohuk as a model, which has an area of (61.98) km², based on the American Soil Conservation model (SCS - CN) and using modern technologies represented by geographic information systems software. Data sets including land use, soils, hydrological groups, and rainfall depth for the year 2020 were merged. Curve Number values were extracted, which express the response of surface components to surface water runoff for the study area, with the CN rate reaching (79). The values extracted for the maximum potential water retention factor (S) were (41.35), and for the initial abstraction factor (Ia) were (8.27). Two rainfall depths were adopted: (594.64) mm and (492.39) mm. The surface runoff depth values for the year 2020 averaged (446.75) mm. The surface runoff volume values reached (21.178995) million cubic meters. After applying the SCS-CN model, the researchers concluded that urban areas have a very high hydrological response and are the main reason for generating surface runoff in the region.

