The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the global energy balance


  • Ammar hamid hadi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority



Keywords: Russia/ Ukraine/ energy balance


The energy issue is considered one of the most important political issues on the global scene، as it is considered a decisive factor in drawing up the foreign policies of countries، whether they are exporters or importers. It is the backbone of the global economy، and therefore countries seek to take all measures that will preserve energy sources and ensure continued investment in them and In order to guarantee its interests in all its dimensions، the study also aimed to analyze the Russian-European energy reality in light of the Ukrainian crisis، by addressing the perceptions of both exporting and importing countries regarding the concept of their energy security and the state of mutual energy dependence between Russia and the European Union، as well as addressing the Ukrainian crisis and its repercussions on security. Russian-European energy، as the Ukrainian crisis constituted an important wake-up call for the European Union countries regarding its energy dependence on Russia as a supplier of questionable reliability، and it also formed a strategic dimension to the energy dilemma in Russian-European relations.

