The application of the nearby infrared channel 1.6 in the interpretation of clouds (Iraq as a model)


  • Asst.Lect. Abdullah Dakheel Al -Samarrai Tikrit University - College of Education for Humanities



Keywords: the nearby infrared package, spectral analysis, Cloud, synoptic phenomena.


This research aims to (apply the near-infrared band 1.6 in interpreting clouds (Iraq as a model)). The boundaries of the study were Iraq’s regional borders located between latitudes (5.29) and (22.37) north, and between two longitudes (45.38). ), and (45.48) east. This study focuses on identifying the spectral band used and how to employ it in the field of weather and climate science. It also aims to present its spectral characteristics. In addition, highlighting its importance in studying clouds and synoptic phenomena. Where Meteosat satellite data (8) and a geographic information systems environment were used. The study concluded that the near-infrared band 1.6 has a role in determining clouds and their type in Iraq based on spectroscopic analysis. The study also concluded that the spectral beam had an effective role in detecting sunny and cloudy areas in Iraq. In addition to measuring its speed and knowing its direction of travel and moisture content.

