Estimation of surface runoff for the Sheshen Valley Basin Using the SCS-CN method


  • Sabah Hamoud Ghaffar Al-Samarrai Samarra University - College of Education
  • Researcher: Hawraa Hamed Latif Al-Samarrai Samarra University - College of Education



Keywords: (SCS-CN) method, surface runoff, Sheshen Valley, remote sensing, hydrological soils


The research aims to study the hydro geomorphological profile of Wadi Sheshin Basin, which is located in central Iraq, specifically in Salah Governorate, southwest of Tikrit, with an area of ​​(146.62 km2) and located between latitudes (34:32.8°) and (34:42.8.8°) north, and between them. Longitudes (43:41.31°) and (43:32.85.4°) east. I apologized for the study, including what was reached regarding water migration in the study area.

The (SCS-CN) method was able to estimate the volume of surface runoff, which depends on the amount of soil in the basin and its permeability, and to classify the types of land covers for the basins of the region. The values ​​of (CN) in the study area were between (66-91), as most of the area The area's pools were not included in the CN values, which indicates the permeability of its soil and the high rate of surface runoff of the basin, meaning that a large percentage of the area's vegetation areas are exposed to the occurrence of torrential floods.

