Protecting archaeological sites from natural and human dangers and ensuring their tourism sustainability Hilla city.


  • Dr. Afrah Ibrahim Shamkhi Al-Halawi University of Babylon_ College of Education for Human Sciences
  • Asst.Lect. Iman Sabah Ali Mard Al-Dulaimi University of Babylon_ College of Education for Human Sciences
  • Asst.Lect. Iman Sabah Ali Mard Al-Dulaimi University of Babylon_ College of Education for Human Sciences



Keywords : Archaeological sites – Sustainability – Geomorphological processes.


     Archaeological sites are among the most prominent features of the earth’s surface in the study area, and these sites have been damaged and destroyed by natural factors and by wrong human practices. Therefore,the research deals with the most important geomorphological processes prevailing and influencing the archaeological sites, as these processes are represented in the weathering process that is active in those sites. , Especially mechanical, chemical and biological weathering, and the rain and wind erosion process that contributes to the transfer of the remains of pottery pieces and fragments away from the archaeological sites. The last geomorphological process in archaeological sites is the sedimentation process, which consists of two types: rain and wind deposition.

