The role of green areas and public parks in maintaining air quality in the urban environment “Al-Furat and Al-Ghadeer neighborhood parks are a model


  • Dr.Zainab Abdel-Razzaq Al-Taghlibi University of Kufa - Faculty of Urban Planning – Department of Environmental Planning



Keywords: Green areas, public parks, air quality, urban environment.


The study aims to determine the role of green areas and public parks in maintaining air quality in the urban environment, by measuring the percentages of air polluting gases in different areas of the urban environment and comparing them with the air quality in the Al-Furat and Al-Ghadeer neighborhood parks. High rates of pollution and deteriorating air quality were monitored in some of them, and a special device was used that senses toxic gases, determines their levels, and then compares them with environmental and health standards.
Most Iraqi cities suffer from decreasing levels of air quality for several reasons, including the rapid increase in population growth, the abundance of car exhausts and electric generators, and poor planning, the impact of which has become clear on the air quality in Iraqi cities. The safest and most ideal solution is to resort to increasing green areas and public parks because of their It has a positive effect in reducing the severity of air pollution and activating its role in maintaining air quality in the urban environment as well as achieving the well-being and comfort of residents.

