The efficiency of spatial distribution for kindergarten on the right side of the city of Mosul Using GIS Geographic Information Systems


  • Asst, Prof. Dr. Riyadh Abdullah Ahmed Tikrit University / College of Education for Humanities
  • Asst.lect. Ali Zozen Ali Mosul Education Directorate



Keywords: Services, Kindergartens, Spatial Distribution, GIS


Kindergarten services are among the most prominent pillars in contemporary societies, as they contribute to the effective upbringing of the child and constitute a method for directing the future properly if it is one of the criteria for success in global societies, as these services are one of the priorities that must be provided in any city as it is closely related to the girls of the future and the achievement of renaissance and development The comprehensive is the right side of the city of Mosul is one of the areas that provide educational services for the kindergarten stage, and the difference in the numbers of kindergarten in terms of their number and their repetition in certain neighborhoods and their absence in other neighborhoods has led to a clear disparity found in preparing these institutions as well as the increasing population in this The side of the city of Mosul generally led to an increase in the need for educational services for this important study stage, and therefore some geographical planning solutions that are in harmony with planning criteria on the one hand and with population growth on the other The efficiency of spatial distribution for kindergarten and the treatment of the shortage of this educational service according to the planning criteria using GIS.

