Quantitative water erosion modeling for the Zawita area within Dohuk Pass Governorate using the EPM model


  • Dr.Marwa Ali Taher Iraqi University - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Dr.Ahmed Majed Abbas Iraqi University - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Dr.An Rajab Ahmed University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Asst. Lect .Marwan Abdullah Muhammad University of Baghdad - College of Arts - Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems




Keywords: water erosion, quantitative estimation, model.


      The research aims to model and analyze water erosion in the Zawita area within Dohuk Governorate, based on the EPM model (Erosion Potential Method), which is considered one of the modern models in calculating and estimating quantitative water erosion in any area, as its calculation depends on several variables, especially (temperature, rain, slope, condition of vegetation cover). And the geological formations of the surface of the region). Accordingly, the research concluded that there is a variation in the amount of quantitative water erosion, as the lowest amount of water erosion was recorded in the category (4.15-50) with an area of (0.91) km2, and it spread spatially in a very small part of the southern region. The study, due to its small spread, was classified as inconspicuous erosion. The highest amount of erosion reached (5001-18456) with an area of (79.04) km2. It spread in separate and wide parts of the study area, but was generally concentrated in the eastern and southern parts of the study area due to its large spread. And the wide one is classified as a very severe erosion.

