Tectonic activation and its geomorphological and morphometric indicators in the Mauran Basin


  • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Sattar Jabir University OF Mustansiriyah, College of Education, Department of Geography




Keywords: : Maurane/ activation/ morphometry/ Valley


     The research aims to study the geomorphological and morphometric indicators (quantitative analysis) of the tectonic activation of the Mauran Valley Basin in northern Iraq within Erbil Governorate and the effects of these indicators on land processes and forms by adopting a study of the natural characteristics of the region (geology, topography, slope, climate, as well as soil and natural vegetation) and analyzing the r” Relationship” between them, to contribute In building plans to preserve and develop the environment of the region. Among the most important results of the data derived from remote sensing, the digital elevation model (DEM), the use of geographic information systems (GIS), and the adoption of geomorphological indicators, it became clear that the basin is highly active, influenced by its location (within the range of folds). Morphometrics, it was found that the flat area of ​​the basin is (474.2) km2 and is ranked seventh. Its rate of bifurcation is high (4.4) due to the high number of layers (5351), and the high drainage density, which contributed to increasing the chances of erosion and sedimentation, and the rectangular shape of the basin affected by folds and the general slope of the basin and the region.

