Geomorphological risk evaluation in Kondak Valley basin in Dohuk Governorate


  • Asst.Lect. Jabbar Hussain Shotait Aliraqia University, College of Arts, Department of Geography



Keywords: risk assessment, floods, landslides, Kondak, morphometric analysis, hypsometric integration.


The aim of the research is to evaluate and analyze the geomorphological risks of the Kondak Basin in the Zakho district of Dohuk Governorate in northern Iraq, as this basin is located within the unstable shelf within the Sulaymaniyah-Zakho belt. The area of the basin is (4.9 km2) and its actual length is (4.86 km). km), length (4.6 km), width of the basin (1 km), length of its circumference (11.7 km), and the highest The height is (1300 m) and less (650 m), the number of river courses is (34), their number is (4), and their length is (14.946 km), the ratio of indentation is (133.55 m/km), the relative topography is (54.83 m/km), and the hypometric integration is (0.01 m/km). km2), the ruggedness value (1.96), the bifurcation ratio (2.96), the longitudinal and numerical drainage density (3.05) (6.93 streams/km2), and the concentration time in the basin (3.17 hours) The deceleration time (2.74), the base time of the torrents (11.06 hours), the speed of the torrential flow (40.25 minutes/km), the volume of the torrential rain (9.974 m3/s), and the strength of the torrents (3.415 m3/s/km2). It was found that the degree of geomorphological risks ranges from medium. It is extremely dangerous and affects population areas, transportation routes, and various human activities in the research area.

