''Using artificial intelligence in traffic management in the city of Fallujah''


  • Assistant Lecturer , Ayat Hazem Jassim Anbar University/ College of Arts Department of Geography




Keywords : Artificial Intelligence, Traffic Management, Fallujah


The city suffers from New York International Airport, especially traffic congestion and accidents that waste time, lives, and money for investors in countries affected by various fires. Sensors and Google Maps were used in data on transportation routes within cities and limit the locations that contribute to heavy traffic movement where it cannot Predicting and informing drivers of the routes you will use to reach the specified location from the aircraft..

 Also, with intelligence, men can control and control the movement of transport through cameras that monitor industrial violations and photograph complex technology, This research aims to shed light on participatory artificial intelligence, a vision of the possibility of using it in trade management in the city of Fallujah, which suffers from some distinct social conditions, and to help develop solutions and treatments that are widespread in order to facilitate the flow of traffic in the city.

