Employing open source data to represent population density map In Iraq using programming in Python


  • Asst.prof.Dr. Zainab Muhammad Amin Iraqi University / College of Arts / Department of Geography




Keywords:- Open source data - Python libraries - for loop


  The idea of open source data is synonymous with terms in the same context, such as open physical entities, open content, open education, open educational resources, open knowledge, open access, open science, and the open web. They all aim in one direction, which is achieving mutual benefit based on the principle that science begins where others left off.

In light of the information revolution that the world is witnessing, there has become a greater need to learn the skill of obtaining data and then dealing with this huge amount of data in order to select the appropriate ones and employ them to serve the field of research that the researcher wishes to accomplish. Therefore, the first step in completing any research is to answer the questions. A set of questions:-

What data serves the research? Is there a possibility to obtain this data? Can we benefit from the data we obtain directly from its source and as it is? Or by making some changes to it, which is called (data cleaning).

In our research, we chose the research area represented by Iraq and according to the district (the district is the administrative level lower than the governorate) in an attempt to benefit from open source data from more than one site and pull it through programming in the Python language and then combine these sources after a series of operations (data cleaning). and thus clarified in population density maps by relying on a number of Python libraries. The maps produced here may need some additions or touches of artistic sense that differ from one researcher to another, but in general we tried to produce maps based on data that could not be downloaded directly from their respective sites using Python.

Keywords:- Open source data - Python libraries - for loop

