Using geographic artificial intelligence (GEO AI) to automate the extraction of urban buildings from satellite images


  • Dr. Yara Suhail Al-Wish Damascus University/Faculty of arts and human sciences /Geography
  • Prof. Bahjat Muhammad Muhammad٭ Damascus University/Faculty of arts and human sciences /Geography



key words:Geographic artificial intelligence, Urban building footprint, Deep learning libraries, Machine learning, Software environment.


Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GEO AI) is the technology of combining artificial intelligence with geospatial data to accelerate understanding of the real world and to extract information from data more quickly. This technology reduces the time in which information is extracted from the data and thus helps to understand the relationships between features to make the appropriate decision.

The goal of geographic artificial intelligence is to create self-learning systems capable of creating maps and extracting information based on data inputs, commands, and codes within the appropriate software environment

This research discusses the methodology of using geographic artificial intelligence to automate the extraction of urban buildings from satellite images of different urban centers by integrating AI algorithms, machine learning ML, and deep learning libraries. This technology saves a lot of time and efforts taken by the traditional process of digitizing buildings using the Geographic Information System (GIS), and thus helps in effective analysis for the purposes of urban planning, disaster management, and estimation of both the area and density of urban buildings.

