Al-Kamil fi Al-Tarikh Book by Ibn Al-Atheer: A Critical Study

Al-Kamil fi Al-Tarikh Book by Ibn Al-Atheer: A Critical Study


  • Prof. Hussein Dakhil Al-Bahadli, Ph.D. الجامعة العراقية / كلية الاداب
  • Researcher Abdulqadir Essam Abdullah الجامعة العراقية / كلية الاداب



Keywords: Ibn al-Atheer, al-Kamil fi al-History, method, topics, Islamic Mashriq, Khurasan.


The study sheds light on one of the historians of the 6th and 12th centuries AD; he is Ibn al-Atheer al-Jazari al-Shaybani, who died in the year 630 AH/1232 AD. This historian wrote a comprehensive book on Arab-Islamic history that was considered an extension of other books written by pioneering historians, and even though he followed their example in terms of style and approach in dealing with the topics of Arab-Islamic history, he tried to rewrite Arab-Islamic history, or what is called general history, according to an approach that is free from shortcomings and that is organized chronologically as followed by the pioneering historians, and the study tried to explain it.

