The Effectiveness of Phonemes and their Distinctive Features in Phonetic Harmony and Semantic Cohesion in the Poetry of Al-Mutamid Ibn Abbad Functional Analytical Approach

The Effectiveness of Phonemes and their Distinctive Features in Phonetic Harmony and Semantic Cohesion in the Poetry of Al-Mutamid Ibn Abbad Functional Analytical Approach


  • Dr. Atif Mohmmed Abdullah Al-Tahir كلیة الآداب/ جامعة سنار/ السودان



Keywords: effectiveness, phoneme, distinctive features, phonology, function, phonetic harmony, semantic cohesion.


This study comes within the framework of an attempt aimed at monitoring the effectiveness of employing phonemes and their distinctive features in phonetic formation at the level of linguistic structure, and an attempt to clarify the role of phonemes during the process of juxtaposition in the linguistic context, in terms of function and distinctive features and their relationship to meaning, by revealing the function of those distinctive features. The effective role it plays in the combination and harmony of sounds, and its role in generating connotations, shaping meanings, and cohesiveness of the semantic structure of the text, In addition to revealing the capabilities and skills of the accredited poet Ibn Abbad in using effective mechanisms to select indicative and suggestive phonemic units, and how to employ the sensory properties of phonemes and the harmonic features tFhey contain in their distinctive features; Which enabled him to crystallize an artistic and aesthetic structure that reflected the specificity of his poetic experience and his creative excellence. This study came within the framework of the phonetic analysis of the produced text, using the principles of the functional direction of language and the foundations of phonological functional analysis. This is done on the basis of the importance of the phoneme in linguistic thinking, and to establish the semiotic concept of the poem, which is formed by semiotically significant signs and signals that convey ideas and meanings.

